Tina: Hey shreya, did you hear about this, there is this astrologer who gives accurate predictions.
All you have to give is ur DOB, time and place of birth and Rs200, prediction is posted back in 2 weeks. I am going to send my details,you interested?
Shreya: Well, Tina you know I have to leave for the US in 3 days, but lets do this, I will give yoy the money and details, you send it to him with your return address, when the letter arrives just
email me the details, OK?
Tina:OK babes..:)
Three weeks later.....
Tina: Babes, your prediction is back, it awesome, you are supposed to have a life worth living.
"You lucky girl. You will do well in your studies and career. You will top your school and professional success is enviable. You will have a love marriage, the guy will be a Doctor,very tall and dark complexioned, he will love you deeply and help you grow as an individual.
Over all a life worth living."
Two years later....Houston
Nikhil: Hey, my name is Nikhil, you can call me nick. Well I have been noticing you
at the joggers park daily, you Indian right?
Shreya: Yeah, I am from Bombay, you
Nikhil:Hey cool me too, its so cool to find an Indian from the same city....
normal..introductory conversation follows........
They become friends.......
Shreya is really fond of him and vica versa, she is 25 now, parents looking for matches...
Nikhil thinking:hmm...why not marry Shreya..we know each other..she is all that I am looking for...what should I do. I think I will tell her how I feel at the desi meet today..:)
At the desi meet:
Nikhil: hey Shreya I have been thinking about this for a while, do you think we should
..you know..like..huh...
Shreya: whats the matter Nikhil, and speak louder please, I cannot hear you in all this noise.
Nikhil: well, i was..saying...that...
Vicky: hey Nikhil, you jackass..you are in Houston, jackass rem me??
Nikhil: You, dude...man ...Vicky..after 13 years..vanished after 12th..what in the hell are you doing here??
Vicky:I am a resident doctor in a hospital here, what about you jackass??
Nikhil: I am a Software developer
Vicky: Software Developer and you...hahahaha....and who is this beautiful lady here
Nikhil: Oh, this is Shreya, my friend, Shreya this is Vicky..we were in school together, hey Vicky she is from Bombay too
Vicky:hey Shreya, pleased to meet you, come on..don't tell me you did not find any one better to hang out with..you have to hang out with this bugger...hahahahahha...
So begins a wonderful phase..3 friends...far away from home..yet not lonely..reliable, fun...a support system.
at the joggers park daily, you Indian right?
Shreya: Yeah, I am from Bombay, you
Nikhil:Hey cool me too, its so cool to find an Indian from the same city....
normal..introductory conversation follows........
They become friends.......
Shreya is really fond of him and vica versa, she is 25 now, parents looking for matches...
Nikhil thinking:hmm...why not marry Shreya..we know each other..she is all that I am looking for...what should I do. I think I will tell her how I feel at the desi meet today..:)
At the desi meet:
Nikhil: hey Shreya I have been thinking about this for a while, do you think we should
..you know..like..huh...
Shreya: whats the matter Nikhil, and speak louder please, I cannot hear you in all this noise.
Nikhil: well, i was..saying...that...
Vicky: hey Nikhil, you jackass..you are in Houston, jackass rem me??
Nikhil: You, dude...man ...Vicky..after 13 years..vanished after 12th..what in the hell are you doing here??
Vicky:I am a resident doctor in a hospital here, what about you jackass??
Nikhil: I am a Software developer
Vicky: Software Developer and you...hahahaha....and who is this beautiful lady here
Nikhil: Oh, this is Shreya, my friend, Shreya this is Vicky..we were in school together, hey Vicky she is from Bombay too
Vicky:hey Shreya, pleased to meet you, come on..don't tell me you did not find any one better to hang out with..you have to hang out with this bugger...hahahahahha...
So begins a wonderful phase..3 friends...far away from home..yet not lonely..reliable, fun...a support system.
14th Feb 2004:
Shreya opens her email and there is an email from Nikhil, fair, slightly short and dashingly handsome Nikhil....Shreya I have been meaning to tell you that and so it goes..the predicatable love letter.........and a marraige proposalShreya blushes..she feels a flutter in her heart..butterflies in her stomach....
but does she love him...hmm..well she did toy with the idea once..but she would classify it more as a deep meaningful friendship than as a love..but what the heck..what is love neways...yeah !!whats better than marrying a good friend...
hey but what about the prediction..wasnt I suppose to marry a tall dark doctor not a short fair engineer..well so what..
yeah Am going to reply positively..
The door bell rings..whose could it be..Nikhil of-course..:)..has to be Nikhil..
Shreya runs to get the door, but wait that's not Nikhil...
standing before her was Vicky, tall, dark and handsome..straight out of a mills n boons..Vicky...
He gets down on one knee...and extends a ring...Will you marry me Shreya....
Vicky, she was fond of him...deeply...never thought about a life with him though...
but wait...is he the doctor the astrologer was talking abt..is he...will my relationship with Nikhil work out..or will it fail..shoudl I go for vicky ..after all he is my next best freind...and he does match the description of the guy she is supposed to get married to.
The prediction was right after all
Shreya accepts.
Bombay , 10 December 2004
Shreya Weds Vicky...
Tina: hey Shreya, congrats
Shreya; Tina...hi...this is Vicky..
Tina: So you did prove the astrologer wrong huh?
Shreya:Wrong?How, did he not say that I would ,Marry a tall, dark, Doctor???
Tina: Oh shoot, my bad my bad. Three days after I emailed you your prediction, I got a letter saying the astrologer's assistant messed up and sent you Shreya Narayanan's prediction instead of Shreya Narain's prediction.
they then sent me the correct one, I was busy with my exams then and later completely forgot to email you the correct one. Now that its been proven wrong i dont think you need it do you.
Shreya: No, please do send, i want to see it..:)
Tina : Sure
Tina: hey Shreya, congrats
Shreya; Tina...hi...this is Vicky..
Tina: So you did prove the astrologer wrong huh?
Shreya:Wrong?How, did he not say that I would ,Marry a tall, dark, Doctor???
Tina: Oh shoot, my bad my bad. Three days after I emailed you your prediction, I got a letter saying the astrologer's assistant messed up and sent you Shreya Narayanan's prediction instead of Shreya Narain's prediction.
they then sent me the correct one, I was busy with my exams then and later completely forgot to email you the correct one. Now that its been proven wrong i dont think you need it do you.
Shreya: No, please do send, i want to see it..:)
Tina : Sure
The Prediction
You will have a love marriage, the guy will be in a technical
field,slightly short but very fair , he will love you deeply and and
will be your close friend.
daaa good one.. i like it..
Well the title is real apt to the story!! gud one keep going da!